Response by Development Consultants to Paradigm Shift: Away from 20th Century Development Model
Dr. Hashimoto Tsuyoshi
Chief Executive Director
RECS International Inc.
- Paradigm Shift in Response to SDGs
Recognition of the UN SDGs and efforts to contribute to their attainment appear to have spread worldwide in the past few years. Many firms have changed their position from just tugging SDGs to company policies to reflecting their contribution to SDGs for procurement of raw materials, resource savings, reduction of CO2 emission, and other measures in their business plans. At the level of individuals, practices have been spreading to reduce the use of plastic shopping bags and to comply with separate discharge of solid wastes.
On the other hand, some point out that such practices divert people’s attention from the real crisis by giving them a sense of contributing to SDGs as remission of sins and worse, they may be even harmful in overcoming the crisis. It is also argued that to save humans from the crisis represented by climate change, the capitalism system itself needs to be changed as the root cause of the crisis (Saito, 2020).
As a development consultant involved in technical cooperation to prepare a national comprehensive development plan for Mongolia since January 2019, I have been advocating a shift in development paradigm. Mongolia has experienced a kind of paradigm shift since 1990 from the socialistic planned economy paradigm. By developing mineral resources, especially coal in large scale, Mongolia realized one of the highest economic growth rates in the world during 2000s. Obviously, such a high economic growth cannot be sustained in view of the current strong head wind in the world against coal utilization in recent years.
Therefore, I have been advocating another shift in development paradigm for Mongolia toward a sustainable development in line with the UN SDGs. However, SDGs do not tell specifically what kind of paradigm to be pursued, and there exist contradictions between some targets specified by the SDGs. The issue has been how to propose a realistic and concrete development paradigm for Mongolia to pursue in decades to come. A national comprehensive development plan has been formulated through discussions on development directions by a wide range of stakeholders at many meetings called multi-stakeholders’ meetings.
- Comparison of Two Development Models
As part of efforts to pursue a sustainable development paradigm, two development models are compared (Table 1). The 20th century development model is resource intensive and oriented to economic efficiency. This was pursued by most developed countries during the 20th century, which realized high economic growth rates at the cost of many social and environmental problems. The alternative socio-economy model is an alternative to the 20th century model.
Table 1. Comparison of Two Development Models
20th century development model | Alternative socio-economy model | |
History | Pursued by most developed countries during 20th century | Sporadic attempts started recently in developing and developed countries |
Resources | Income à Abuse | Capital à Conservation |
Criterion | Economic efficiency | Social and environmental considerations |
Effects | Highest income possible | Largest employment opportunities |
Technology | Advanced technology | Appropriate or intermediate technology |
A fundamental difference between these two models is in the ways they treat resources. The 20th century development model treats resources as income. For instance, if you extract mineral resources, you will gain income almost immediately. More resources you use, higher income you gain. This tends to result in abusive use of resources. The alternative socio-economy model treats resources as capital, which should be conserved as much as possible so that it will continue to produce benefits over generations.
The 20th century development model aims primarily at economic growth, while the alternative socio-economy aims at creation of diversified employment opportunities. Employment that generates income is the basic condition for individuals to realize better life. In this connection, the so called “work-life balance” advocated by the Japanese government recently is totally wrong. “Work” is integral part of “life” according to the idea of alternative socio-economy.
- Basic Structure of Capitalism and Its Operational Issues
Based on the idea that resources represent capital, how can we understand the argument to attribute the current crisis facing human beings to capitalism? Let’s think the issue in a fundamental way.
The basic structure of capitalism is to allow many to muster capital contributions to undertake better economic activities that cannot be undertaken by any individual. With resources as capital, those who own resources, a country or an individual, can participate in better economic activities as capitalists. Outcomes of such activities are shared by all the capital contributors and allocated in proportion to their contributions. The capital accumulation is used partly for re-investment and such better activities will be continued at higher level for increased production.
In this basic structure, key issues are how to muster capital contributions, how to share and allocate outcomes according to the contributions, and how to make decisions collectively. These are issues related to social system that determines what should be produced with the capital (or determines what would be marketable on the demand side), which resources should be utilized for production on the supply side, and who would make decisions. In case of a joint-stock company, the management makes decisions in consideration of shareholders. This system leads to what is called shareholder capitalism according to neoliberalism.
Most shareholders pursue short-term profits by buying and selling shares of multiple firms. To satisfy these shareholders, the management of firms tend to pursue also short-term profits. This tends to reduce awareness of the firm as a social entity to contribute to long-term benefits for the society. In contrast, stakeholder capitalism has been advocated recently that would consider benefits for clients, employees, sub-contractors and local communities.
The prevailing capitalism is built in its structure disparities in abilities to access information and technologies necessary for resources mobilization and decision-making mechanism on how to share and allocate outcomes. This structure, therefore, aggravates disparities. This mechanism may be understood more clearly in the context of development aid to developing countries.
- Problems of Capitalism from the Viewpoint of Development Aid
Developed countries and the wealthy people have more abilities to access proper information, enjoying larger outcomes and dominating decision-making. Developing countries and the poor people have less abilities and therefore should be supported by strengthening abilities to access information and to develop and utilize technologies, ensuring a larger share of outcomes and directing re-investment more to developing countries. This should be the role of development aid.
If the total amount of outcomes is the same, however, the portion of outcomes to be provided to developing countries may be increased only by sacrificing allocation to developed countries or to the wealthy people. The portion of outcomes for re-investment would be directed more to developed countries, where investment efficiency is higher. Most important condition related to investment efficiency is ability to access broad information including availability of technologies. This is the fundamental reason why technical cooperation is most important in development aid.
Among those involved in development aid, importance of technical cooperation through education, skill training and other means is well recognized. Unlike provision of goods and money, provision of technologies to developing countries will not reduce their availability in developed countries. While developing countries develop with technologies provided by developed countries, further technological innovation will occur in developed countries to allow further economic development, which will make it possible for them to continue development aid to developing countries. Economic growth in developing countries will benefit developed countries as well. This is the ideal formula of development aid. In reality, however, developed countries make an excuse for not sacrificing their wealth in view of capital accumulation necessary for technological innovation.
The movements to demand reforms of shareholder capitalism following neoliberalism have been expanding among young generations. To create meaningful outcomes globally by mustering such grass-root movements, some fundamental changes in social system are necessary based on some ideas or value that can be shared widely. Such changes represent a paradigm shift indeed. To realize the paradigm shift, some political re-alignment would be necessary, which would link grass-root movements by common value (Asuka, 2021).
- Lessons from COVID-19: Directions of Paradigm Shift
COVID-19 provides a trigger for changes in various aspects including possibly a paradigm shift as well. One important lesson learned from COVID-19 is wide recognition of essential workers. Not only medical and care taking personnel and those involved in management and maintenance of lifeline infrastructure, farmers producing food products and those responsible for supplying basic goods such as clothing and housing are also essential workers. They contribute collectively to creating “social goods” or “common” in the form of pleasant living environment.
It is now well recognized that these essential workers are only modestly compensated for their services as compared to their contributions to the society. It constitutes important part of the paradigm shift to change the social system so that they would be compensated proportionally to their contributions. For instance, farmers may contribute their farmland as capital according to the idea of resources as capital and participate in a shareholding company to undertake processing and marketing of agricultural products and gain good portions of company’s profits. To realize this idea, legal and institutional arrangements would have to be changed related to land ownership, use and transaction. This is one specific aspect of the paradigm shift.
Capital yields benefits as it is utilized. Obtaining benefits without utilizing capital is rent seeking. Establishment of social system to prevent land rent seeking is part of the paradigm shift. Such changes as illustrated can be realized even under capitalism by just changing social systems. Processing and marketing of agricultural products by a shareholding company with farmers as shareholders are actually undertaken today by some agricultural cooperatives. Practices of production and consumption through cooperatives are consistent with the claim by young generations that capitalism should be converted to participatory socialism.
A paradigm shift means changing social value systems, which is nothing new. How to call them collectively may be only a secondary concern, but how it should be called is an important consideration for the changes to be widely accepted in the society. Young generations such as the millennium generation or Z generation may prefer using participatory socialism to express objection to capitalism. The elderly may have a sense of resistance against the term “socialism.” The paradigm shift in response to climate change may cause conflicts between different generations. The paradigm shift may be realized only through an alteration of generations if not armed conflicts between generations. As far as climate change is concerned, however, time is a big factor. We cannot wait for the alteration of generations to overcome the crisis by climate change.
The paradigm shift will have to be realized substantively in the next decade or so. For this, it is not sufficient just to expect developed countries and the wealthy to lower their life standards voluntarily to delay the occurrence of the crisis. Also, it is not sufficient to expect optimistically that technological innovation supported by capital accumulation will save the human beings from the crisis. Developing countries should not follow in footsteps of developed countries that pursued the 20th century development model. Rather, it is developing countries that should present a new development paradigm that may be followed by developed countries. This is what I have been thinking as a development consultant.
- Efforts by Development Consultants for Paradigm Shift
As a development consultant, I have been trying to reflect the paradigm shift for sustainable development in development aid, while deepening the idea of alternative socio-economy as I taught at Gakushuin University, the Economic Department, during 2001-16 (Hashimoto, 2018). Specifically, I practiced technical cooperation for development planning in the Southeast Myanmar region, Bangsamoro region in Mindanao, the Philippines and the Mongolia national comprehensive development plan among others. In Myanmar, some expressed concern that the alternative socio-economy might sacrifice economic growth. To conciliate them, the development plan was prepared as a compromise between the two development models.
In Bangsamoro, the idea of alternative socio-economy was relatively readily accepted by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) which pursues an asymmetric development drawing a line from the mainstream Philippine economy. This helped for MILF to establish ownership for the development plan. Unfortunately, however, the plan has not been much utilized yet as enactment of the Bangsamoro basic law was delayed.
As mentioned above, the technical cooperation to prepare a national comprehensive development plan of Mongolia started after Mongolia realized high economic growth by development of coal and other mining resources following the 20th century development model. The technical cooperation proceeded to prepare a Mongolian model of alternative socio-economy, while the Mongolian Government was still pursuing large scale mining and mega infrastructure-driven development.
As an example of economic activities in line with alternative socio-economy, livestock industrial cluster development is strongly recommended under the strategy for industrial cluster promotion based on primary production. This industrial cluster will utilize not only meat and dairy products and hides and skins for leather products, but also intestines, blood and bone meal, placenta and others without wastes to produce various products including some high value-added products for export. To support the industrial cluster development, transport and communications infrastructure is planned to link grazing land, primary and value-added processing sites, and urban and export markets, while strengthening urban functions as well. Possibilities of e-transaction for various livestock products in the global market are also suggested.
Despite the strong headwind against the coal use worldwide, the Mongolian economy needs coal export for foreign exchange earnings and coal fired thermal power generation to reduce dependency on imported electricity for some time. I called attention that large scale coal fired thermal power plants would become stranded assets sooner or later, and the NCDP proposes the establishment of a clean energy center to improve the quality of low-grade coal and lignite and regional energy supply systems based on renewable local energy sources including geothermal, solar, wind and hydropower rather than large scale thermal power plants linked to the national power transmission lines.
The Mongolian Government may be still pursuing mega project driven development. The concept of alternative socio-economy, however, has been accepted by many including youth groups through multi-stakeholders’ meetings. At least the term has been well understood in the Mongolian society.
The Engineering and Consulting Firms Association (ECFA) of Japan prepared its vision for 2030, where contribution to SDGs is declared as one of objectives. In preparing the vision, I encouraged the director in charge that SDGs represent survival strategy for human beings and development consultants are essential workers to save human beings from the crisis. Although the paradigm shift is difficult to achieve as it involves political re-alignment, we have no option but to continue our daily efforts by raising awareness.
Asuka, Jusen, “New Green Deal,” (in Japanese), Iwanami publishing co., June 2021.
Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi, “Last Lecture by Part-time Lecturer of Economic Department,” (in Japanese), International Development Journal, April, 2018.
Saito, Kouhei, “Capitalism in Anthropocene,” (in Japanese), Shueisha publishing co., September 2020.
橋本 強司
そのような草の根活動を糾合してグローバルな成果に結び付けるには、共有できる理念に基づく社会の仕組みに係る何らかの本質的な変化が必要である。これこそがパラダイム転換であり、その実現のためには草の根活動を共通の価値観によって結びつける「政治 的 編 成 ( p o l i t i c a l alignment)」が必要である(明日香壽川、2021年)。
石炭に対する世界的な逆風にもかかわらず、モンゴル経済は当面石炭の輸出および石炭火力による輸入電力依存脱却が課題である。これに対して大規模石炭火力は、早 晩 「 座 礁 資 産 ( s t r a n d e d asset)」となると注意喚起する一方、低品位石炭や褐炭の品質改良のためのクリーンエネルギーセンターに加えて、大規模石炭火力と全国送電網ではなく、地熱を含む再生可能エネルギーによる地域エネルギー供給を目指す提案をしている。